Giulia Liberati - Principal Investigator

The main objective of my research is to characterize how transient and sustained pain are represented in the human brain, taking advantage of the high temporal and spatial resolution of intracerebral electroencephalography (iEEG). I am particularly interested in investigating the role of the human insula in nociception and pain perception, as several findings suggest that this brain region plays a crucial role in the integration of sensory, affective, and cognitive dimensions of pain.
Group members
Characterization of vagus nerve stimulation-induced pupillary responses in epileptic patients
Brain Stimulation
Vespa S, Stumpp L, Liberati G, Delbeke J, Nonclercq A, Mouraux A, El Tahry R
in press.
Brain-Machine Interface in Chronic Stroke: Randomized Trial Long-Term Follow-up
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
Ramos-Murguialday A, Curado MR, Broetz D, Yilmaz Ö, Brasil FL, Liberati G, Garcia-Cossio E, Cho W, Caria A, Cohen LG, Birbaumer N.
Residual Upper Arm Motor Function Primes Innervation of Paretic Forearm Muscles in Chronic Stroke after Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Training
PLoS One
Curado MR, Cossio EG, Broetz D, Agostini M, Cho W, Brasil FL, Yilmaz O, Liberati G, Lepski G, Birbaumer N, Ramos-Murguialday A.