Valéry Legrain - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)

The main research interest of the team led by Valery Legrain (IONS/COSY) is to understand the cognitive mechanisms modulating the link between nociception and the conscious perception of pain, and the neurobiological substrates of these cognitive mechanisms. Three lines of research are developed. First, the group's researchers seek to understand and describe the cognitive factors that help modulate nociceptive responses and pain perception (e.g. selective attention, executive functions, multisensory interaction, and hypnosis). They also study whether cognitive functions could prevent the development of central sensitization to pain. Second, the group studies how pain and the central sensitization it can induce disrupt cognitive functioning (i.e. attention, memory, body and spatial representation). The third line of research aims to understand how pain interacts with other sensory modalities, such as vision and proprioception, in order to mentally represent the peripersonal space and to facilitate reaction against potentially damaging stimuli. These topics are studied in healthy volunteers on experimentally-induced pain as well as in patients suffering from chronic pain (e.g. complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia). Different approaches are used: neurophysiology (EEG, ESG, EMG, ERPs, TMS), psychophysics (threshold measurement, mental chronometry) and neuropsychology (study of patients with sensory-motor or attentional deficits).
Group members
Atypical influence of biomechanical knowledge in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-towards a different perspective on body representation
Sci Rep
Filbrich L, Verfaille C, Vannuscorps G, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Legrain V
Biological and psychological early prognostic factors in complex regional pain syndrome: a systematic review.
Eur J Pain
Louis MH, Meyer C, Legrain V, Berquin A.
in press.