NOCIONS all publications
How visual experience shapes body representation
Shahzad I, Occelli V, Giraudet E, Azañón E, Longo MR, Mouraux A, Collignon O.
Effect of limb position change on capsaicin-evoked pain: evidence of interplays between the vascular and nociceptive systems?
Eur J Pain
Courtin AS, Knaepen, C, Mouraux A, van Neerven SGA
in press.
Studying the effect of expectations on high-frequency electrical stimulation-induced pain and pinprick hypersensitivity
J Pain
Gousset S, Cayrol T, Papleux M, Meulders A, Mouraux A, van den Broeke EN
in press
Systematic review and co-ordinate based meta-analysis to summarize the utilization of functional brain imaging in conjunction with human models of peripheral and central sensitization
Eur J Pain
Clarke S, Rogers R, Wanigasekera V, Fardo F, Pia H, Nochi Z, Macian N, Leray V, Finnerup NB, Pickering G, Mouraux A, Truini A, Treede RD, Garcia-Larrea L, Tracey I.
in press.
Responsiveness of multiple patient-reported outcome measures for acute postsurgical pain: primary results from the international multi-centre PROMPT NIT-1 study
Br J Anaesth
Vollert J, Segelcke D, Weinmann C, Schnabel K, Fuchtmann F, Rosenberger DC, Komann M, Maessen T, Sauer L, Kalso E, Fletcher D, Lavand'homme P, Kaiser U, Liedgens H, Meissner W, Pogatzki-Zahn EM
Pain management after cardiac surgery via median sternotomy: A systematic review with procedure-specific postoperative pain management (PROSPECT) recommendations
Eur J Anaesthesiol
Maeßen T, Korir N, Van de Velde M, Kennes J, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Joshi GP; PROSPECT Working Group of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy
Intra-operative electroencephalogram frontal alpha-band spectral analysis and postoperative delirium in cardiac surgery: A prospective cohort study
Eur J Anaesthesiol
Khalifa C, Lenoir C, Robert A, Watremez C, Kahn D, Mastrobuoni S, Aphram G, Ivanoiu A, Bonhomme V, Mouraux A, Momeni M.