Alexandre Stouffs

I participated in the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI PAIN-CARE; project, subtopic BioPain. The aim of this subtopic is to identify and validate a number of functional biomarkers based on non-invasive measures of neural activity (peripheral measures of nerve excitability, spinal and brainstem reflexes, measures of brain activity using electroencephalography [EEG] and functional magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] that can be used in humans to assess the effects of a given drug on the nociceptive system. If successful, these biomarkers would be used in future studies for the early stages of the pharmacological development of novel treatments for pain, and back-translated to animal models.

IMI2-PainCare-BioPain-RCT1: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, multi-center trial in healthy subjects to investigate the effects of lacosamide, pregabalin, and tapentadol on biomarkers of pain processing observed by peripheral nerve excitability testing (NET).
Nochi Z, Pia H, Bloms-Funke P, Boesl I, Caspani O, Chapman SC, Fardo F, Genser B, Goetz M, Kostenko AV, Leone C, Li T, Mouraux A, Pelz B, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Schilder A, Schnetter E, Schubart K, Stouffs A, Tracey I, Troconiz IF, Truini A, Van Niel J, Vela JM, Vincent K, Vollert J, Wanigasekera V, Wittayer M, Tankisi H, Finnerup NB, Phillips KG, Treede RD.
IMI2-PainCare-BioPain-RCT3: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, multi-center trial in healthy subjects to investigate the effects of lacosamide, pregabalin, and tapentadol on biomarkers of pain processing observed by electroencephalography (EEG).
Mouraux A, Bloms-Funke P, Boesl I, Caspani O, Chapman SC, Di Stefano G, Finnerup NB, Garcia-Larrea L, Goetz M, Kostenko A, Pelz B, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Schubart K, Stouffs A, Truini A, Tracey I, Troconiz IF, Van Niel J, Vela JM, Vincent K, Vollert J, Wanigasekera V, Wittayer M, Phillips KG, Treede RD.
IMI-PAINCARE, BIOPAIN : validation chez l'homme de nouveaux biomarqueurs fonctionnels pour le développement pharmacologique de traitements de la douleur
Douleur et Analgésie
Stouffs A, Lebrun L, Mouraux A.
31(4): 230
Philips Intellivue NMT module: variability of initial measurements
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Stouffs A, Ibsen A, Jamart J, Dubois V, Dubois PE.
32(5): 965-966
Intraoperatively diagnosed tracheal tear during a parathyroidectomy with previously undiagnosed tracheomalacia: a case report
Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica
Stouffs A, Scholtes JL.
67(4): 197-199