Caroline Huart - Research Clinician (IONS/NEUR)

The aim of my research is to develop new methods for assessing the function of the olfactory system in humans (psychophysical assessment and electrophysiological assessment using chemosensory event-related brain potentials (CSERP)). CSERPs have an important disadvantage: the relatively weak signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded responses often limit the interpretation of the recorded responses. We thus developed new stimulation and analysis techniques to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of olfactory and trigeminal CSERPs. Finally, we are documenting the usefulness of chemosensory assessment for the diagnosis of pathologies associated with olfactory dysfunction, in particular, the differential diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. Clinician at the Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology of the Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc.

Parkinson disease in eldery patients: lessons from odour detection thresholds on olfacto-trigeminal interaction
Foguem C, Lemdani M, Huart C.
Brain lesion-pattern analysis in patients with olfactory dysfunctions following head trauma
Neuroimage Clinical
Lötsch J, Ultsch A, Eckhardt M, Huart C, Rombaux P, Hummel T.
Post-injury smell disorders
Rombaux P, Huart C, Balungwe P, de Toeuf C, Collet S, Duprez T.
Suppl 26(2):39-46
Olfaction in Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports
Rombaux P, Huart C, Levie P, Cingi C, Hummel T.
Physiologie, exploration et troubles de l'olfaction
EMC en oto-rhinolaryngologie
Huart C, Mouraux A, Rombaux P.
(EMC, Ed.). Les traités EMC. Elsevier-Masson
Exploration fonctionnelle et troubles du gout
EMC en oto-rhinolaryngologie
Huart C, Mouraux A, Rombaux P.
(EMC, Ed.). Les traités EMC. Elsevier-Masson.