Nicolas Lejeune - postdoc (Clinicien Spécialiste Post-Doctorant FNRS)

As a neurorehabilitation clinician, I am in charge of a care unit for patients with prolonged disorder of consciousness (i.e. patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome or in minimally conscious state). The aim of my research project is to understand how these severely brain injured patients are able to perceive pain using non-invasive methods such as surface EEG recordings. These investigations should also be of interest to develop a novel approach to study the relationship between pain perception and consciousness.

High-speed heating of the skin using a contact thermode elicits comparable brain responses to those elicited by a CO2-laser device
Clin Neurophysiol
Lejeune N, Petrossova E, Frahm KS, Mouraux A.
Linear Periodic Discriminant Analysis
Mulders D, de Boot C, Lejeune N, Mouraux A, Verleysen M.
Spatial Filtering of EEG Signals to Identify Periodic Brain Activity Patterns
Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation LVA/ICA
Mulders D, de Bodt C, Lejeune N, Mouraux A, Verleysen M.
In: Deville Y, Gannot S, Mason R, Plumbley M, Ward D (eds). Lecture notes in Computer Science, vol 10891. Springer
Withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration decisions in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness: best interests of the patients and advance directives are the keys
Journal of Medical Ethics
Lejeune N.