Solenn Gousset - PhD student
Group :
André Mouraux

Within the H2020 QSPainRelief project (, we will conduct a clinical study in patients suffering from disabling post-operative to assess the different effects of combinatorial treatments on the central nervous system using EEG and other non-invasive electrophysiological techniques and relate these effects to real-life clinical efficacy and safety. The data generated by this clinical study will be used to calibrate a model to predict response to combinatorial treatments for pain.

Studying the effect of expectations on high-frequency electrical stimulation-induced pain and pinprick hypersensitivity
J Pain
Gousset S, Cayrol T, Papleux M, Meulders A, Mouraux A, van den Broeke EN
in press
Pinprick-induced gamma-band oscillations are not a useful electrophysiological marker of pinprick hypersensitivity in humans
Clin Neurophysiol
Gousset S, Torta DM, Mouraux A, Lambert J, van den Broeke EN.