André Mouraux - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)
Group :
Using non-invasive functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with novel techniques to selectively activate specific classes of nociceptive afferents, the research performed by the team of André Mouraux (IONS/COSY) follows two main axes. First, to understand how the human brain processes nociceptive sensory input and how this leads to the perception of pain. Second, to understand the plastic changes in nociceptive pathways that occur after inflammation, injury or sustained nociceptive input that induce peripheral and central sensitization and may underlie the development of chronic pain in humans.
Neural evidence for functional roles of tactile and visual feedback in the application of myoelectric prosthesis
J Neural Eng
Su S, Chai G, Xu W, Meng J, Sheng X, Mouraux A, Zhu X.
in press.
High-speed heating of the skin using a contact thermode elicits comparable brain responses to those elicited by a CO2-laser device
Clin Neurophysiol
Lejeune N, Petrossova E, Frahm KS, Mouraux A.
in press.
Characterization of vagus nerve stimulation-induced pupillary responses in epileptic patients
Brain Stimulation
Vespa S, Stumpp L, Liberati G, Delbeke J, Nonclercq A, Mouraux A, El Tahry R
in press.
Chronic temporomandibular disorders are associated with higher susceptibility to developing central sensitization: a case-control study
Cayrol T, van den Broeke EN, Gerard E, Meeus M, Mouraux A, Roussel N, Pitance L.
in press.
IMI2-PainCare-BioPain-RCT2 protocol: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, multicenter trial in healthy subjects to investigate the effects of lacosamide, pregabalin, and tapentadol on biomarkers of pain processing observed by non-invasive neurophysiological measurements of human spinal cord and brainstem activity
Leone C, Di Stefano G, Di Pietro G, Bloms-Funke P, Boesl I, Caspani O, Chapman SC, Finnerup NB, Garcia-Larrea L, Li T, Goetz M, Mouraux A, Pelz B, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Schilder A, Schnetter E, Schubart K, Tracey I, Troconiz IF, Van Niel H, Hernandez JMV, Vincent K, Vollert J, Wanigasekera V, Wittayer M, Phillips KG, Truini A, Treede RD.
in press.
Evidence for alterations to dynamic quantitative sensory tests in patients with chronic temporomandibular myalgia: A systematic review of observational studies with meta-analysis
J Oral Rehabil
Cayrol T, Meeus M, Aron V, Gatto C, Mouraux A, Roussel NA, Sallaz L, van den Broeke EN, Pitance L.
in press.
IMI2-PainCare-BioPain-RCT1: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, multi-center trial in healthy subjects to investigate the effects of lacosamide, pregabalin, and tapentadol on biomarkers of pain processing observed by peripheral nerve excitability testing (NET).
Nochi Z, Pia H, Bloms-Funke P, Boesl I, Caspani O, Chapman SC, Fardo F, Genser B, Goetz M, Kostenko AV, Leone C, Li T, Mouraux A, Pelz B, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Schilder A, Schnetter E, Schubart K, Stouffs A, Tracey I, Troconiz IF, Truini A, Van Niel J, Vela JM, Vincent K, Vollert J, Wanigasekera V, Wittayer M, Tankisi H, Finnerup NB, Phillips KG, Treede RD.
in press.