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André Mouraux - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)

Group : 


Using non-invasive functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with novel techniques to selectively activate specific classes of nociceptive afferents, the research performed by the team of André Mouraux (IONS/COSY) follows two main axes. First, to understand how the human brain processes nociceptive sensory input and how this leads to the perception of pain. Second, to understand the plastic changes in nociceptive pathways that occur after inflammation, injury or sustained nociceptive input that induce peripheral and central sensitization and may underlie the development of chronic pain in humans.



New insights into cutaneous laser stimulation – dependency on skin and laser type


Frahm KS, Gervasio S, Arguissain F, Mouraux A.

in press.


Assessing thermal sensitivity using transient heat and cold stimuli combined with a Bayesian adaptive method in a clinical setting: a proof of concept study

European Journal of Pain

Courtin AS, Maldonado Slootjes S, Caty G, Hermans MP, Plaghki L, Mouraux A.

in press.


Investigating perceptual simultaneity between nociceptive and visual stimuli by means of temporal order judgments

Neuroscience Letters

Manfron L, Filbrich L, Nijs E, Mouraux A, Legrain V.

in press.


Central sensitization of nociceptive pathways demonstrated by robot-controlled pinprick-evoked brain potentials

Clinical Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, de Hemptinne P, Mercken M, Torta DM, Lambert J, Mouraux A.

in press.


Within- and between-session reliability of secondary hyperalgesia induced by electrical high-frequency stimulation

European Journal of Pain

Cayrol T, Lebleu J, Mouraux A, Roussel N, Pitance L, van den Broeke E.

in press.


Does motor cortex engagement during movement preparation differentially inhibit nociceptive processing in patients with chronic whiplash associated disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy controls? An experimental study

Journal of Clinical Medicine

Goudman L, Mouraux A, Daenen L, Nijs J, Cras P, Roussel N, Moens M, Lenoir D, Coppieters I, Huysmans E, De Kooning M.

in press.


Capsaicin-induced skin desensitization differentially affects A-delta and C-fiber mediated heat sensitivity

Frontiers in Pharmacology

van Neerven SGA, Mouraux A.

in press.


Processing of laser-evoked potentials in patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and healthy controls: a case-control study

Pain Medicine

Goudman L, Daenen L, Mouraux A, Nijs J, Cras P, Roussel N, Moens M, Coppieters I, Huysmans E, De Kooning M.

in press.


Dynamics of the perception and EEG signals triggered by tonic warm and cool stimulation


Mulders D, de Bodt C, Lejeune N, Dufour A, Verleysen M, Mouraux A.

in press.


Early gamma-oscillations as correlate of localized nociceptive processing in primary sensorimotor cortex

Journal of Neurophysiology

Heid C, Mouraux A, Treede RD, Schuh-Hofer S, Rupp A, Baumgärtner U.

in press.


Adaptation of the Sniffin Sticks Test in South-Kivu

European Annals of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Head and Neck diseases

Balungwe P, Huart C, Matanda R, Bisimwa G, Mouraux A, Rombaux P.

in press.


Mechanisms linking olfactory impairment and risk of mortality

Frontiers in Neuroscience

Van Regemorter V , Hummel T, Rosenzweig F, Mouraux A, Rombaux P, Huart C.

in press.


Burst-like conditioning electrical stimulation is more efficacious than continuous stimulation for inducing secondary hyperalgesia in humans

Journal of Neurophysiology

Gousset S, Mouraux A, van den Broeke EN.

in press.


The focus of spatial attention during the induction of central sensitization can modulate the subsequent development of secondary hyperalgesia


Filbrich L, van den Broeke E, Legrain V, Mouraux .

in press.


Development of a new psychophysical method to assess intranasal trigeminal chemosensory function


Huart C, Hummel T, Kaehling C, Konstantinidis I, Hox V, Mouraux A, Rombaux P.

in press.

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