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André Mouraux - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)

Group : 


Using non-invasive functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with novel techniques to selectively activate specific classes of nociceptive afferents, the research performed by the team of André Mouraux (IONS/COSY) follows two main axes. First, to understand how the human brain processes nociceptive sensory input and how this leads to the perception of pain. Second, to understand the plastic changes in nociceptive pathways that occur after inflammation, injury or sustained nociceptive input that induce peripheral and central sensitization and may underlie the development of chronic pain in humans.




Linear Periodic Discriminant Analysis


Mulders D, de Boot C, Lejeune N, Mouraux A, Verleysen M.

in press.


EEG time-warping to study non-strictly-periodic EEG signals related to the production of rhythmic movements

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Chemin B, Huang G, Mulders D, Mouraux A.

in press.


Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation to study tool-selective processing in the human brain

Experimental Brain Research

De Keyser R, Mouraux A, Quek GL, Torta DM, Legrain V.

in press.


Quickly-responding C-fiber nociceptors contribute to heat hypersensitivity in the area of secondary hyperalgesia

Journal of Physiology

Lenoir C, Plaghki L, Mouraux A, van den Broeke EN.

in press.


Temporal profile and limb-specificity of phasic pain-evoked changes in motor excitability


Algoet M, Duqué J, Iannetti GD, Mouraux A.

in press.


Spatial Filtering of EEG Signals to Identify Periodic Brain Activity Patterns

Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation LVA/ICA

Mulders D, de Bodt C, Lejeune N, Mouraux A, Verleysen M.

in press.


Habituation of phase-locked local field potentials and gamma-band oscillations recorded from the human insula

Nature: Scientific Reports

Liberati G, Algoet M, Klöcker A, Ferrao Santos S, Ribeiro-Vaz JG, Raftopoulos C, Mouraux A.

in press.


Report of one confirmed generalized seizure and one suspected partial seizure induced by deep continuous theta burst stimulation of the right operculo-insular cortex

Brain Stimulationation

Lenoir C*, Algoet M*, Vanderclausen C, Peeters A, Ferrao Santos S, Mouraux A.

in press.


Event-related brain potentials elicited by high-speed cooling of the skin: a robust and non-painful method to assess the spinothalamic system in humans

Clinical Neurophysiology

De Keyser R, van den Broeke E, Courtin A, Dufour A, Mouraux A.

in press.


The Tactile Perception of Transient Changes in Friction

Journal of the Royal Society Interface

Gueorguiev D, Vezzoli E, Mouraux A, Lemaire-Semail B, Thonnard JL.

in press.


Mind your grip: even usual dexterous manipulation requires high level cognition

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

Guillery E, Mouraux A, Thonnard JL, Legrain V.

in press.


EEG frequency-tagging and input-output comparison in rhythm perception

Brain Topography

Nozaradan S, Keller PE, Rossion B, Mouraux A.

in press.


Side-channel attacks against the human brain: the PIN code case study

COSADE 2017: Constructive side-channel analysis and secure design.

Lange J, Massart C, Mouraux A, Standaert FX.

in press.


Gamma-band oscillations preferential for nociception can be recorded in the human insula

Cerebral Cortex

Liberati G, Klöcker A, Algoet M, Mulders D, Safronova MM, Ferrao Santos S, Vaz JG, Raftopoulos C, Mouraux A.

in press.


Phase-locked and non-phase-locked EEG responses to pinprick stimulation before and after experimentally-induced secondary hyperalgesia

Clinical Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, de Vries B, Lambert J, Torta DM, Mouraux A.

in press.

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