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André Mouraux - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)

Group : 


Using non-invasive functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with novel techniques to selectively activate specific classes of nociceptive afferents, the research performed by the team of André Mouraux (IONS/COSY) follows two main axes. First, to understand how the human brain processes nociceptive sensory input and how this leads to the perception of pain. Second, to understand the plastic changes in nociceptive pathways that occur after inflammation, injury or sustained nociceptive input that induce peripheral and central sensitization and may underlie the development of chronic pain in humans.



The human primary somatosensory cortex is differentially involved in vibrotaction and nociception

Journal of Neurophysiology

Lenoir C, Huang G, Vandermeeren Y, Hatem SM, Mouraux A.

in press.


Frequency-tagging to track the neural processing of contrast in fast continuous sound sequences

Journal of Neurophysiology

Nozaradan S, Mouraux A, Cousineau M.

in press.


Bilateral tactile hypersensitivity and neuroimmune responses after spared nerve injury in mice lacking vasoactive intestinal peptide

Experimental Neurology

Gallo A, Leerink M, Michot B, Ahmed E, Forget P, Mouraux A, Hermans E.

in press.


Attention to pain! A neurocognitive perspective on attentional modulation of pain in neuroimaging studies


Torta D, Legrain V, Mouraux A, Valentini E.

in press.


Intense pain influences the cortical processing of visual stimuli projected onto the sensitized skin


Torta DM, van den Broeke EN, Filbrich L, Jacob B, Lambert J, Mouraux A.

in press.


Intracerebral evidence of rhythm transform in the human auditory cortex

Brain Structure and Function

Nozaradan S, Mouraux A, Jonas J, Colnat-Coulbois S, Rossion B, Maillard L.

in press.


Feasibility of Topical Applications of Natural High-Concentration Capsaicinoid Solutions in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: A Retrospective Analysis

Pain Research and Management

Bauchy F, Mouraux A, Deumens R, Leerink M, Ulpiano Trillig A, le Polain de Waroux B, Steyaert A, Quetin-Leclercq J, Forget P.

in press.


EEG frequency tagging using ultra-slow periodic heat stimulation of the skin reveals cortical activity specifically related to C fiber thermonociceptors


Colon E, Liberati G, Mouraux A.

in press.


Central sensitization of mechanical nociceptive pathways is associated with a long-lasting increase of pinprick-evoked brain potentials

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

van den Broeke E, Lambert J, Huang G, Mouraux A.

in press.


Absence of Evidence or Evidence of Absence? Commentary: Captured by the pain: Pain steady-state evoked potentials are not modulated by selective spatial attention

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Colon E, Mouraux A.

in press.


Secondary hyperalgesia is mediated by heat-insensitive A-fiber nociceptors

Journal of Physiology

van den Broeke E, Lenoir C, Mouraux A.

in press.


Touch uses frictional cues to discriminate flat materials

Nature : Scientific Reports

Gueorguiev D, Bochereau S, Mouraux A, Hayward V, Thonnard JL.

in press.


Nociceptive local field potentials recorded from the human insula are not specific for nociception

PLoS Biology

Liberati G, Klocker A, Safronova MM, Ferrao Santos S, Ribeiro Vaz JG, Raftopoulos C, Mouraux A.

in press.



Physiologie, exploration et troubles de l'olfaction

EMC en oto-rhinolaryngologie

Huart C, Mouraux A, Rombaux P.

in press.


EEG frequency tagging to explore the cortical activity related to the tactile exploration of natural textures

Nature : Scientific Reports

Moungou A, Thonnard JL, Mouraux A.

in press.

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