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André Mouraux - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)

Group : 


Using non-invasive functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with novel techniques to selectively activate specific classes of nociceptive afferents, the research performed by the team of André Mouraux (IONS/COSY) follows two main axes. First, to understand how the human brain processes nociceptive sensory input and how this leads to the perception of pain. Second, to understand the plastic changes in nociceptive pathways that occur after inflammation, injury or sustained nociceptive input that induce peripheral and central sensitization and may underlie the development of chronic pain in humans.



Looking at the hand modulates the brain responses to nociceptive and non-nociceptive somatosensory stimuli but does not necessarily modulate their perception


Torta DM, Legrain V, Mouraux A.

in press.


Multiple linear regression to estimate time-frequency electrophysiological responses in single trials


Hu L, Zhang ZG, Mouraux A, Iannetti GD.

in press.



PrÈdiction de la douleur postopÈratoire sÈvËre et de la persistance de la douleur postchirurgicale par des tests psychophysiques

Douleur et Analgésie

Plaghki L, Mouraux A.

in press.


Enhanced brain responses to C fiber input in the area of secondary hyperalgesia induced by high frequency electrical stimulation of the skin

Journal of Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, Mouraux A.

in press.


Body movement selectively shapes the neural representation of musical rhythms

Psychological Science

Chemin B, Mouraux A, Nozaradan S.

in press.


Thermoregulatory vasomotor tone of the rat tail and paws in thermoneutral conditions and its impact on a behavioral model of acute pain

Journal of Neurophysiology

El Bitar N, Pollin B, Karroum E, Pincedé I, Mouraux A, Le Bars D.

in press.


EEG frequency-tagging to dissociate the cortical responses to nociceptive and non-nociceptive stimuli

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Colon E, Legrain V, Mouraux A.

in press.


Shifting attention between the space of the body and external space. Electrophysiological correlates of visual-nociceptive crossmodal spatial attention


Favril L, Mouraux A, Sambo CS, Legrain V.

in press.


High frequency electrical stimulation of human skin induces heterotopical mechanical and heat hyperalgesia and enhanced responses to vibrotactile input

Journal of Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, Mouraux A.

in press.


Single-trial time-frequency analysis of electrocortical signals: baseline correction and beyond


Hu L, Xiao P, Zhang ZG, Mouraux A, Iannetti GD.

in press.


Short trains of intra-epidermal electrical stimulation to elicit reliable behavioral and electrophysiological responses to the selective activation of nociceptors in humans

Neuroscience Letters

Mouraux A, Marot E, Legrain V.

in press.


Finite element analysis of thermal laser skin stimulation for a finer characterization of the nociceptive system

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Marchandise E, Mouraux A, Plaghki L, Henrotte F.

in press.


Cognitive-motor interference while grasping, lifting and holding objects


Guillery E, Mouraux A, Thonnard JL.

in press.


Capturing with EEG the neural entrainment and coupling underlying sensorimotor synchronization to the beat

Cerebral Cortex

Nozaradan S, Zerouali Y, Peretz I, Mouraux A.

in press.


Theta burst stimulation applied over primary motor and somatosensory cortices produces analgesia unrelated to the changes in nociceptive event-related potentials


Torta D, Legrain V, Algoet M, Olivier E, Duqué J, Mouraux A.

in press.

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